🗝 Do whatever He tells you‼️
Are you using your thread key?
Feedback is an essential key from the King.
Embracing the story, my “writer” key from the King.
Do you have a Uniview? It is a key of our King.
Bow holder, you have a key from the King; you bear His cross. Stand therefore and remain steady.
Extra, Extra~ I am still desiring keys from the King.
You have a key from the King for life; what are you doing with it?
A key to a barren gag or a 🗝bountiful key, gifted from the King? Are you blessed to bless another?
I have a key from the King to 🗝Transcend, what key has He placed in your hand?
You have been given a key to 🗝BE OK WITH YOU. The Lord, OUR GOD, DID IT FOR you, DISTINCTLY.
🗝Moment by moment we are given keys from the King to obey, will you this day?
Are you a line, a Key used to draw others to our King.
God gives you a key to dust your feet. He is the King of the particles and those He gives parts to.
Reap AND Keep, 🗝🗝Promised keys from the King given to His servants.
🗝Recompense, or refund for some, a gift from the King to the key holder turning it as He led & said
🗝Mantles are given to help operate the keys held from the King
✍︎🗝God is no respecter of a person, a critical key reminder as we experience humanity from the King
🗝You prepare a table. This is the key from the KING!
🗝Purposely | picked |, a key from the King to spread goodness, with greater aspect for all to come.