Are you someone who cares deeply for those who may feel overlooked?
Most times in life, many want to spotlight those who crave attention, and the beauty in the ones who are lighting the way without proper recognition for so many is often neglected.
This, to, me, was a spotlight moment.
I didn't get his consent so I hid his face but I would of liked to showcase Mr. Eric with his beautiful smile and kind demeanor.
But let's make it even sweeter.
“Whoever brings blessing will be made better, and one who saturates will himself be flooded.”
I want to bring comfort to those who feel forgotten and remind them that they are cherished, and their life holds great value!
Let's extend our compassion to those who need it the most.
I often dream of having personal, heartfelt connections with all of my supporters.
It warms my heart to hear from my best friend about Mrs. Laura how she feels blessed as well from receiving her copy of Keyhole Hero.
Meanwhile, Mr. Eric eagerly couldn't await his return home, he jumped right in filled with anticipation.
It's moments like these that truly capture the essence of life's beauty.
Remember, appearances can be deceiving, so let's never judge a book solely by its cover.
Instead, let's choose to embrace the stories and experiences layered within each person, and bring compassion to every interaction.
Is this your mission?
If it is, let's connect!
Written by Cassandra Lee Wiltz © September 23, 2023