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🗝Mantles are given to help operate the keys held from the King

Writer's picture: cassandra994cassandra994

Updated: Apr 9, 2023

Over the years, many have told me I am their, Elisha as the vessel speaking is referencing to oneself as the Prophet Elijah teaching me.

2 Kings 2:1-18

As one is told this by so many, it can become questionable.

The first Prophet to ever tell me this without explaining it in depth is Prophet TMH.

It was 12-plus years ago, and we walked into the building; as soon as I walked through the door,

He said, I don't know who this is for👀,

but Let me tell you what you did when you left your home,

you placed your bible on 🫣mentioning the exact table,

he said this was in your living room😬,

He told me where my ark of the Covenant was 🙄,

and at that moment, I wanted to hide under a rock; it was so scary.

I'd heard some Prophets before, and they were accurate, but this one was so intimate to the things I did I knew it was God🤯.

As the conference continued, the Prophet said if you remember this word I'm speaking, you will have my mantle🧐.

I had no clue what that meant, but I kept the word and didn't sleep that night questioning God what did it all mean😳.

The following day Prophet M in our group, said San, what was the word Prophet TMH spoke?

Excited and thinking nothing of his intent to be #attempted theft ((true story)),

I told him and was thrilled because I had decided to walk up once Prophet TMH questioned the person who remembered.

😒He then took the word I had just given him, walked straight to the pulpit, and pretended he remembered😵‍💫

while Prophet TMH was talking to the audience.

Prophet TMH then stopped and asked Prophet M what did he want.

That Prophet then said I remembered your word and came to claim it🤥.

It was a weird silence, no response from Prophet TMH 🫥.

I truly believed he knew in that moment this is not the one,

I thought he would call him on it but maybe God said to let it go.

Then he said to him, knowing you will receive what I have --I would be running if I were you.

The younger Prophet then jogged around the building, and Prophet TMH said, you don't seem excited about receiving this.

Again he said I would be running as the other Prophet continued to jog slowly🙃.

The entire time I questioned God, I was shocked by the dishonesty housed with such pretense and unintegral attitude.

I couldn't stop talking to God about it.

Over the years, I saw so much deceit with so many, but only God kept me attached because He tested my obedience to HIM and not trickery from humanity.

I had to learn not to look at their faces, especially those I knew about first and foremost.

I always had and still witness this.

Years passed, and God said Cassandra, the word is yours.

You remembered it was always your portion.

What I ordained no man can obtain without my command or seal.

It wasn't the portion part that bothered me. It was the principle of his falsehood.

People who profess false precepts and pretension with straight faces so they believe.

Those without keen insight and discernment are the ones who they easily bewitch.

So anyway, my prayer is:

Hearts to remain pure

\\ if by chance tainted //

by the \\ filth //

of our environment or involvement,

for the vessel(s) to return to the

Love that Last.

Throughout my process, it has still not become easy to see or be around it,

the wheat must grow with the tares as God insisted ~

Let me encourage you to keep your eyes on God as you see these things and pray for the fallacy of the man or woman who fell like satan.

Please pray for their soul to return,
wouldn't you want someone to pray for you?

After I made peace with that instance, I began asking God to give me a mantle like Him, just like Him.

I wanted to be Cassandra, uniquely thoughtful, imaginative and creative as He had told me to be.

Many don't know that I have seen angels since I was a little girl and still do.

It's never comfortable always an awe experience and amazement.

They do exist.

The Prophet who painted this picture of me
was beyond accurate with this meeting in a higher globe.

When He sent it to me, I simply said he could not know unless God told him.

I cried like a baby in remembrance of this captivating time with the One who died for me.

When God touches me, I can't breathe at times, yet I live still.

No one knew I had this encounter with my King but God.

I have so many sacred encounters which make me radical beyond my understanding at times necessary.

He is Real, and like He is for me, He is also for you.

His love is Endless.

I weep at His love for us; it's inexpressable and can never be genuinely tellable through any use of our sanities, to some senses.

I pray for all to know Him.


Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Today I and others everywhere reflect, and my prayer is we NEVER SHALL FORGET.

Dear Father, everyone can be wrapped in linen designed as YOU see fit.

May Your people not wish for anothers' specific fashion, only the desire you set.

Thank YOU in advance.


to be just like You Lord



Please NEVER LET ME or anyone, if possible, GO


Written by Cassandra Lee Wiltz © April 7, 2023

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Apr 07, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

As I sat here reading and pondering what Jesus did for us on that Good but awful Friday, this came through! Thank you for allowing me to add a few more tears to His collection for me!! Can’t be a bottle anymore; must be a vat!! I thank My Abba for you and the mantle He has laid upon you!

Apr 07, 2023
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Yes ma’am. Please hear my heart when I say it’s never one-sided. You are an incredible woman of God, who I absolutely adore. I feel like you are just for me, but we think that from the intimate times we also spend with God. Then once He shows us, it’s not about us. It’s about the many-breasted one(EL-Shaddai). He allows many of us to rest upon His sacred spaces set just for our moment of His embrace. THERE IS NONE LIKE HIM. I AM TRULY SOLD OUT FOR HIM; I AM CHOKED AS I TYPE THIS. I LOVE HIM MORE THAN LIFE. HE TESTED ME AS THE RICH YOUNG RULER… I GAVE IT UP—(bit by bit, like the horse, yet…


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