🗝What are you making out of life?
Take time to recollect.
🗝Are you still on the journey God purposed you to do while taking part in your everyday experience?
🗝Have you changed course, or are you currently on His paved pathway for your personal peace of mind and His way back into His paradisiacal pace, which leads into His state of perfection?
🗝Have you passed His test for your personal elevations?
🗝Are you aligned with God’s reason for your life being in His allowed movement?
🗝What are you doing with your mobility and ability to change and affect your environment effectively with your portion of God’s “ very good? “
🗝Genesis 1:31
These are my ✨Thursday-night thoughts✨
🗝Are you taking time out of your God-given day to think His way through for you?
Isaiah 65:1
🗝Have you asked God-- is He unmoved by all presented to Him for His approval, not of a man?
🗝Have you asked God if suffering is your portion for wasteful space and pitiful soul attempts?
Isaiah 64:12
🗝Have you taken a look over your past account?
🗝Have you asked God if it is a delight, or does He detest life of yourself, life allowed by His breath of life?
🗝Have you asked God questions about the keys of His life, the one you are presently sharing?
🗝Do you know how much longer the timeline of your Earth adventure has left?
🗝Have you told yourself a tale that states:
I have all His time in His world.
🗝May you know that with every question, your answer will be Yes and Amen, His received promises~ preceded by well done.
2 Corinthians 1:20
May His GRACE continue to be your portion. This is my prayer.
Written by Cassandra Lee Wiltz © December 2022