Honesty and Vulnerability are most favorable in many situations.
Notice where the picture has emphasis; this is your entrance, #Key.
🌬Say this my name is ______________.
🗝Now make this your affirmation: I AM the key.
The enemy entices people to believe one has to pretend or always as a Victor of strength to be seen, but that’s not true.
We are conquerors. In the contending, there come moments of vulnerability…..and that’s every champion's testimony.
James 5:16
Be ok with your states of vulnerability.
I honestly respect it the most in others.
Times before now, I sometimes struggled to do this, especially in unknown spaces.
Romans 7:23-24
Allowing myself to do this has matured me continually.
This is life. It’s ok to reintroduce yourself to this place more than once.
2 Corinthians 13:4
Learn well. Walk through this realm, understanding it’s a lesson.
Sometimes we Ace it, and sometimes we go below our set attainment,
don’t stop retaking until you comprehend His reason for allowance.
It’s for you.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Grow in Stature daily.
At a certain age, your height halts,
but everything else defining your status should increase.
🗝Make a conscious decision not to cheat yourself in anything,
—it’s at this time you lose.
💎You are a treasure chest, don’t let anyone take your gems away from you without permission, and don’t allow your trunk to remain open (unattended).
It shows you don’t understand your actual value.
The pharaohs understood jewels.
I wonder why so many people struggle to understand their distinct measure of worth.
2 Corinthians 4:7
👑If God is truly a King to you, and your Good Father too, why are you walking around like some orphan pauper?
We are children of Royalty. Know your set grace.
Rulers understand the regime, and all standard regulations, learn the structure and take their stance as one not moved if they are not recognized.
You are regal; accept nothing less.
📍Remember your most significant task is service to all,
even if or when at times given favor.
Never forget why you are here.
2 Corinthians 11:27-30
🗝You are the difference.
Heaven chose you to be the best for your specified task.
You won, according to the host.
Now you have to fulfill the goal set they already knew you could meet.
The work is for you to comprehend.
You are the one who needs to get it.
All of Heaven is rooting for you.
Now it’s time for you to root for yourself.
If no one else knows, you definitely should.
☞Victors know fear and doubt, overcome those challenges, and now can sense it in others struggling, the prevention already crushed and kept underneath its feet.
1 Corinthians 2:3, 4
🗝NOW, GO and Walk well; you earned the access, GRANTED.
You were born the #key.
Written by Cassandra Lee Wiltz © February 2023